Privacy policy

Last update: 07/10/2024

The company HYVIA, a simplified joint-stock company, registered with the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under number 899 902 191, and having its registered office at 42 Route de Beynes, 78640 Villiers-Saint-Frédéric, represented by Mr. Nicolas Champetier, in his capacity as President (“Hyvia” or “we“), is required to collect and process your data in connection with your use of the website (the “Site“).

We value your privacy and are committed to comply with applicable data privacy laws, such as the French data privacy act n°78-17 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation from EU Regulation 2016/679 pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about how we use your personal data and how you may keep control over it.

For any question about the Privacy Policy, you can contact us by e-mail at: or by mail at the above-mentioned address.

If you are applying for a job offer at Hyvia or submitting a spontaneous application, we invite you to consult our talent privacy policy to learn more about the processing of your personal data in this context.

1. Description of the processing of your personal data

1.1. Who collects and processes your personal data?

We act as the data controller for the processing of your personal data that we collect and process during your use of the Site.

1.2. For what purposes are your personal data processed?

In connection with your use of the Site, we use your personal data to:

– Manage, follow up and respond to your contact requests;
– Send you commercial offers;
– Measure and analyze Site visits and performance;
– Carry out studies and statistical analysis to improve Site performance;
– Ensure the security of the Site through the use of a CAPTCHA solution, allowing to detect whether a user’s behavior is that of a human or that of a robot, malware for example;
– Enable you to exercise your rights relating to your personal data.
We will only collect data that is adequate, relevant and limited to that what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

1.3. What are the legal bases for processing your personal data?

We process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, your consent, or for the performance of legal obligations:

Legitimate interest
In certain cases, we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, provided that we do not infringe your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms. This is, for example, the case for data used to manage, follow up and respond to your contact requests or to send you commercial offers by telephone or by mail.

We process your personal data, with your consent, to send you commercial offers by email or by text message, to measure and analyze Site visits and performance, to carry out statistical studies and analysis for the purposes of improving Site performance, and finally to ensure the security of the Site through the use of a CAPTCHA solution.

Legal Obligation:
We may be required to process your personal data in order to comply with legal obligations, and notably as part of the management of your right relating to your personal data.

1.4. What categories of personal data are processed?

We only process the personal data that are strictly necessary to pursue the purposes described above, which includes the following categories of data:

– Personal data enabling your identification: surname, first name, email address, telephone number;
– Information relating to your professional activity: activity sector, the name of the company you work for;
– Technical and connection data: session logs, pages visited, visit times, clicks made, browser used, IP address, information relating to the terminal used, information relating to Site operation incidents;
– Any additional information that you have communicated to us as part of your contact request.

1.5. Who are the recipients of the personal data processed?

Your personal data are carefully stored and only made available under strict conditions to the following people:

– Members of our staff who need to access it;
– Our service providers (like, for example, the Site hosting provider, our communication agency);
– Our partners Renault SAS, Renault Vehicle Innovation, Plug Power Inc. to respond to your requests through our contact request form or, when you have consented to it, so that they can send you commercial offers by email or by text message;
– Our coach builder, hydrogen and finance partners to respond to your requests through our contact request forms or, when you have consented to it, so that they can send you commercial offers by email or by text message;
– The social networks Facebook, X and LinkedIn when you click on these social networks’ share buttons;
– Google when we use the Google Analytics and Google reCAPTCHA services.
You will find hereafter links to the Privacy policies of our partners recipients of your personal data:

Partners Privacy Policy
Renault SAS
Renault Vehicle Innovation
Plug Power Inc.
Google Analytics
Google reCAPTCHA

1.6. Is personal data transferred outside the European Economic Area?

Our service providers and/or partners may be located outside the European Economic Area, so we may transfer some of your personal data outside the European Economic Area.

These personal data transfers outside the European Economic Area are carried out in compliance with applicable regulations:

– by transferring your personal data to a recipient located in a country that has received an adequacy decision by the European Commission, certifying that it has an adequate level of personal data protection;
– by signing Standard Contractual Clauses that have been approved by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of personal data protection; or
– by using any other appropriate safeguards.

You can contract us to obtain additional information on the transfers.

1.7. How long are your personal data stored?

Your personal data are stored only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. The retention periods applied to data are proportionate to the purposes for which they were collected.

The retention periods for your personal data are as follows:

Purpose Data retention period
Manage, follow up and respond to your contact requests For 3 years with effect from your request or the last contact made by you (if you are a client), or for 3 years with effect from the end of the commercial relationship (if you are not a client).
Send you commercial offers 3 years with effect from the end of the commercial relationship (if you are a client) or for 3 years with effect from your information being collected or your last contact made by you (you are not a client).
Measure and analyze Site visits and performance For a maximum period of 25 months. As soon as possible, your information is aggregated for statistical purposes.
Carry out studies and statistical analysis to improve Site performance For a maximum period of 25 months. As soon as possible, your information is aggregated for statistical purposes.
Site Security For the time necessary to secure the Site.
Enable you to exercise your rights relating to your personal data For the time necessary to manage and process your requests (when collection of proof of identity has been necessary this will be deleted as soon as the checks have been made).

At the end of the retention periods indicated above, we may archive your personal data for documentary and evidentiary purposes for the applicable statutory limitation periods.

2. Your rights over your personal data

You can exercise your rights by writing to us at the following email address: by providing proof of identity by any means. If we should have any doubts concerning your identity, we can ask you for a copy of an identity document.

2.1. Accessing your personal data

You have the right to know whether we hold any of your personal data and if so, to request access to it.

2.2. Rectify your personal data

You have the right to rectify or to request the rectification of your personal data that are inaccurate or incomplete.

2.3. Erase your personal data

You have the right to have your personal data erased. This right can only be exercised in certain cases, when one of the reasons set out in article 17 of GDPR applies. This could be, for example, personal data that is no longer needed with regard to the purposes for which we have collected it, or which has been processed unlawfully.

If you exercise this right, and if one of the reasons is applicable to your request, we will erase your personal data as soon as practicable.

Erasure is final, except in those cases where the processing of your personal data is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation, or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

2.4. Restriction of processing of your personal data

You have the right to have the processing of your personal data be restricted. This right can be exercised for the reasons set out in article 18 of the GDPR, notably when you challenge the accuracy of your personal data.

This right does not give rise to any erasure, and we are obliged to inform you before the relevant processing restriction is lifted.

2.5. Objecting to the processing of your personal information

When we process personal data about you on the basis of our legitimate interests, you can object to that processing at any time.

This right to object is not an absolute right and we can, on legal or legitimate grounds, refuse your request.

2.6. Portability of your personal data

You can ask to receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, personal data about you for portability purposes.

The right to the portability of processed personal data is not a general and absolute right. Therefore, this right only applies when processing is based on consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.

2.7. Withdrawing your consent

You can withdraw your consent at any time when the processing is based on your consent. We will then cease processing of your personal data for the future, without affecting any previous processing of your personal data for which you have consented.

2.8. Defining instructions on what to do with your personal data after your death

You can give us your instructions on what to do with your personal data after your death and the use of it.

2.9. Lodging a complaint

If, in spite of the care that we take in protecting your personal data, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you can lodge a complaint to the relevant authority (in France, the CNIL is the relevant authority and its contact details are as follows: 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, Tel: 01 53 73 22 22).

3. Changes to our Privacy Policy

In order to ensure your satisfaction, we are constantly seeking to improve and develop our Site.

We may be required occasionally to change our Privacy Policy, in order notably to comply with any regulatory, jurisprudence, editorial or technical developments.

In such case we will inform you by all means of this change, and the date at the top of this document will be changed. We would invite you to visit this page regularly.